I discovered a nature park close to home and took my iPhone4 to snap pictures. When I came across this bridge, I had to photograph it — my favorite subjects are ordinary objects. Plus, bridges have always seemed magical to me, kind of like portals to otherworldly places. This post processed version of the bridge captures a magically peaceful quality I felt in the woods that day. I have the sense that if I step onto the bridge, I'll walk out on the other side in a brand new world.
:: Photo-Heart Connection: One thing most people don't know about me is that I'm terrified of doing new things. Something as simple as finding a nature park to visit isn't something I would typically do without a lot of motivation. That's what I'm enjoying most about iPhoneography - it's dragging me out of my shell. When I muster up the courage to get out of my comfort zone, I can discover wonderful, magical places!