This is the photo I just sent off to the Lightbox Photographic Gallery MobileMagic Exhibition July Call for Entries. I took the original photo of this old window at my aunt’s home. Lots of good photography subject matter there — every object has the look and feel of an old polaroid.
:: Photo-Heart Connection: This image is one that is slowly evolving into a series. I’ve been taking pictures in and around my grandmother’s home (my Aunt’s home now), and they have been bringing back lots of old memories of playing there as a child. The old window with its cracks forces me to accept how much time has passed and all of the days of my youth I cannot recapture. I think that’s why I titled it Final Reflection. I consider each image I create to be a small piece of my soul’s story. Final Reflection reveals a minor mid-life crisis I’ve been struggling with lately, wondering where all the time has gone and what’s ahead.